This is a popular Hindu devotional hymn, also known as the "Ram Dhun." It is a song of praise to Lord Rama, one of the most important figures in Hinduism. The hymn celebrates Rama's many qualities, including his beauty, his power, and his compassion. It also emphasizes Rama's role as a redeemer, who can cleanse even the most sinful of people.

The Ram Dhun is often sung as a way of seeking Rama's blessings and protection. It is also used as a way of meditating on Rama's qualities and teachings. The hymn is a beautiful and powerful expression of devotion to Lord Rama, and it is a cherished part of Hindu culture.

"Raghupati Raghav Raja Ram" is a popular bhajan (devotional song) dedicated to Lord Rama, a revered deity in Hinduism. The bhajan is often sung during religious ceremonies, festivals, and spiritual gatherings. The lyrics of the bhajan praise the divine qualities and virtues of Lord Rama, his consort Sita, and his devotee Hanuman. The bhajan also emphasizes the importance of chanting the name of the Lord and seeking his divine guidance in all actions. It is a powerful and melodious composition that invokes a sense of devotion and reverence among the listeners.

Lyrics Hindi

~ रघुपति राघव राजा राम ~

रघुपति राघव राजा राम ,
पतित पावन सीता राम।

सुन्दर विग्रह मेघश्याम ,
गंगा तुलसी शालग्राम।
रघुपति राघव राजा राम ,
पतित पावन सीता राम।

भद्रगिरीश्वर सीताराम ,
भगत जनप्रिय सीताराम।
जानकी रमणा सीताराम ,
जय जय राघव सीताराम।

जय रघुनंद जय सियाराम ,
जानकी वल्लभ सीताराम।
रघुपति राघव राजा राम ,
पतित पावन सीता राम।

कौशल्या के प्यारे राम,
दशरथ राज दुलारे राम।
रघुपति राघव राजा राम ,
पतित पावन सीता राम।

लखन भरत के प्यारे राम ,
हनुमत के हो सहारे राम।
रघुपति राघव राजा राम ,
पतित पावन सीता राम।

रात को निंदिया दिन तो काम ,
कभी भजोगे प्रभु का नाम।
करते रहिये अपने काम ,
लेते रहिये हरि का नाम।
रघुपति राघव राजा राम ,
पतित पावन सीता राम।

Lyrics English

O Lord of Raghu, Raghava, King Rama, Purifier of the Fallen, Sita Rama. With a beautiful form like a dark rain cloud, With Ganga, Tulsi, and Shaligram. O Lord of Raghu, Raghava, King Rama, Purifier of the Fallen, Sita Rama. Lord of Bhadragiri, Sita Rama, Beloved of the devotees, Sita Rama. Spouse of Janaki, Sita Rama, Victory to Raghava, Sita Rama. Victory to Raghunatha, victory to Sita Rama, Lover of Janaki, Sita Rama. O Lord of Raghu, Raghava, King Rama, Purifier of the Fallen, Sita Rama. Dear to Kaushalya, dear to King Dasaratha, Rama. O Lord of Raghu, Raghava, King Rama, Purifier of the Fallen, Sita Rama. Dear to Lakshmana and Bharata, The support of Hanuman, Rama. O Lord of Raghu, Raghava, King Rama, Purifier of the Fallen, Sita Rama. Night is for sleep, day is for work, Sometimes you will worship the Lord's name. Keep doing your work, Always remember Hari's name. O Lord of Raghu, Raghava, King Rama, Purifier of the Fallen, Sita Rama.

The Ram Dhun is a beautiful and powerful expression of devotion to Lord Rama. It is a cherished part of Hindu culture, and it is often sung as a way of seeking Rama's blessings and protection.